New communication : « Observation of practices, a lever for developing effective teaching practices »

Les 22 et 23 octobre 2021, Laëtitia Delbart et Christophe Baco ont présenté, dans le cadre du colloque ResearchEd Belgium, les travaux de l’Institut d’Administration scolaire de l’Université de Mons portant sur l’observation des pratiques d’enseignement à l’aide d’une grille basée sur l’enseignement efficace et l’enseignement explicite (Bocquillon, 2020)

Abstract :

In French-speaking Belgium, teachers enjoy full freedom in terms of the educational approach. They must follow curricula, but they are at liberty to choose the teaching methods and approaches to help their students in their academic achievements. Nevertheless, the variety of approaches is rather large, and teachers are not trained to make pedagogical choices based on evidence-based data. In this proposal, we suggest presenting a tool developed by our team, which analyzes teachers’ practices. This tool was created after a review of scientific literature on effective teaching methods and approaches and focuses on explicit instruction. This tool enables teachers to analyze their practices based on the scientific literature on effective teaching practices. We also suggest showing some results observed using this tool during teacher education with future secondary school teachers.

Presentation support